


蘇南維 合聘教授

蘇南維 合聘教授

蘇南維 (Nan-Wei SU) 教授

國立臺灣大學 生物資源暨農學院 農業化學系

  • 電話:(O) 3366 4819;(L) 3366-2423
  • 傳真:2363-2714
  • 辦公室:農化館 329 室
  • 研究室:食品化學研究室 (農化館 329 室)
  • E-mail:snw@ntu.edu.tw
  • 研究專長:食品化學、食品科技、微生物與發酵
  • 授課領域:農化研究及實驗法 (一、二、三)、食品化學 (一、二)、食品加工學、生物材料分析、生物材料分析實驗、生物成分分離與純化、生物資源化學 
  • 個人網頁:https://ntuacfcntuacfc.wixsite.com/ntuacfc329


  • 國立臺灣大學 農業化學研究所生物工業化學組 博士
  • 國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 碩士
  • 大同工學院 生物工程系 學士




       檢討美國油脂化學家學會(AOCS)的檢測方法Cb 2-40 Villavecchia test,探討其檢測原理,並且進一步利用此方法將其應用於判別芝麻油是否混摻其他油脂的簡易判斷方法。另一方面,利用HPLC-ELSD分析芝麻油三酸甘油酯的組成可作為判別混攙的依據,因為芝麻油混入其他油脂會使三酸甘油酯組成改變,此法有別於現行利用脂肪酸組成易陷入判斷上的盲點。可藉由分析特定種類的三酸甘油酯和脂肪酸在油脂中的比例作為混攙的定性和定量依據。

Bacillus subtilis var. natto BCRC 80517 對大豆異黃酮的生物轉換

       大豆異黃酮 (soy isoflavone) 具有改善女性更年期症狀、預防心血管疾病、預防骨質疏鬆症及癌症等功效,而其中以 aglycones (主要為 daidzein 及 genistein ) 效果最佳。但由於 aglycones 的水溶性非常低,生物可利用率 (bioavailability) 差,使其應用受到限制。本研究室利用微生物轉換方式,篩選出 Bacillus subtilis var. natto FC-10 (BCRC 80517)菌株,能將 aglycones 轉化成異黃酮磷酸酯類衍生物 daidzein-7-O-phosphate (D7P)和 genistein-7-O-phosphate (G7P),水溶性因而大幅提升,而且此生物轉化產物能夠有效大幅提升 aglycones 的生物可利用率,相關的生物轉換條件的研究、產物回收之程序及相關之生物活性評估等現正持續進行中。


       經由 bioassay-guided fractionation 模式,發現紅麴菌產生之 ankaflavin 具有引發 HepG2 細胞發生凋亡的現象,以細胞型態觀察,可能與某些細胞骨架不正常有關,而另一化學構造與 ankaflavin 非常類似的monascin 則無引起細胞死亡的現象,部分研究結果發表於兩篇國際學術期刊,迄今已被引用超過200次;並獲邀撰寫介紹紅麴代謝物中的生物活性成分發表於 Mycofactories (Bentham Science E-Book) 專章。另,從一株極端嗜鹽的古細菌 Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500 中,分離其抗氧化及抗UV活性超強的  C50 類胡蘿蔔素,包括 bacterioruberin、monoanhydrobacterioruberin 及 bisanhydrobacterio-ruberin,並且探討菌體可累積這些次級代謝物的培養條件,同時對這些分離的 C50 類胡蘿蔔素進行應用潛力的分析研究。研究發現培養基的氯化鈉及鎂離子濃度與 C50 類胡蘿蔔素的累積量有顯著相關。


       過去對植物的lectins的研究常因為以凝血檢測的方式不靈敏、無法分辨基質特異性以及再現性不佳而受到限制。我們利用 lectin 可以專一性的辨識不同醣結構的特性,發展一套近似 Sandwich ELISA 的酵素聯結分析檢測方法,將不同糖分子結合於聚丙烯醯胺 (sugar-polyacrylamide conjugates),並且利用 lectin 分子的多價特性,以 α-D-mannose、β-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine、α-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine 及α-L-fucose 等單醣的聚丙烯醯胺結合物作為篩選 lectin 的結合基質,從日常食用的食材及種子萃取物進行篩選,發現木瓜籽萃取物中具有 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine-specific lectin,而且其具有免疫調節活性,有很大的潛力應用於保健食品產業。


       黃豆中的異黃酮有12種,依其化學結構可分為 malonylglucosides、acetylglucosides、glucosides及 aglyocnoes 四種型態。其中含量最多為 malonylglucosides,其次為 glucosides,此兩類化合物之生物可利用率極低,必需經腸胃道中之微生物消化後轉化為不帶糖基之 aglycones 方能提升生物可利用率。我們發現大豆本身的水解酵素即可有效水解 isoflavone glucosides,僅要調整傳統豆漿的加工條件,就可以有效提升豆漿中 aglycones 形式之異黃酮含量。此外,我們經由傳統蛋白質純化的手段,將相關的 β-glucosidase 由黃豆中分離純化出來,並且和臺大農化系洪傳揚教授合作,將相關基因選殖並且成功地在水稻中進行表現,相關的研究成果已整理成兩篇論文發表於 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry。


  • 國立臺灣大學 農業化學系 助教、助理教授、副教授、教授
  • 臺灣農業化學會 理事長
  • 經濟部智慧財產局專利外審委員
  • 經濟部標準檢驗局國家標準委員
  • 衛福部健康食品審議委員
  • 臺灣公定分析化學家學會監事
  • 臺灣食品科學技術學會理事
  • 臺灣農業化學會 秘書長
  • 臺灣農業化學與食品科學 經理編輯、總編輯
  • Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 編輯委員



  1. Chen Hsu, Bo-Yuan Wu,Yu-Chuan Chang, Chi-Fon Chang, Tai-Ying Chiou, Nan-Wei Su (2018, Jan). Phosphorylation of isoflavone by Bacillus subtilis BCRC 80517 may represent xenobiotic metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, (2018) 66 (1): 127-137. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04647. MOST 104-2320-B-002-027-MY3.
  2. Shang-Ta Wang, Wei-Chia Chang, Chen Hsu, and Nan-Wei Su (2017, Jul). Antimelanogenic effect of urolithin A and urolithin B, the colonic metabolites of ellagic acid, in B16 melanoma cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 6870-6876. MOST 101-2313-B-002-068-MY3.
  3. Shang-Ta Wang, Chien-Te Chou, Nan-Wei Su (2017, Apr). A food-grade selfnanoemulsifying delivery system for enhancing oral bioavailability of ellagic acid. Journal of Functional Foods, 34 (2017) 207–215.
  4. Chao-Wei Huang, Yu-Jen Chen, Jui-Ting Yang, Ching-Yi Chen, Kolapo M. Ajuwon, Shuen-Ei Chen, Nan-Wei Su, Yu-Shan Chen, Harry J. Mersmann and Shih-Torng Ding (2017, Feb). Docosahexaenoic acid increases accumulation of adipocyte triacylglycerol through up-regulation of lipogenic gene expression in pigs. Lipids in Health and Disease, (2017) 16:33.
  5. Shunsuke Kimura, Yen-Chen Tung, Min-Hsiung Pan, Nan-Wei Su, Ying-Jang Lai, Kuan-Chen Cheng (2017, Jan). Black garlic: A critical review on its production, bioactivity and application. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 25(1), 62-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jfda.2016.11.003.​
  6. Shu-Chen Hsieh, Wang-Ju Hsieh, An-Na Chiang, Nan-Wei Su, Yu-Te Yeh and Yi-Chun Liao (2016, Nov). The methanol-ethyl acetate partitioned fraction from Chinese olive fruits inhibits cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth by promoting apoptosis through the suppression of the NF-κB signaling pathway. Food & Function, 7, 4797-4803. doi: 10.1039/C6FO01202G.
  7. Wei-Ju Lee, Shun-Hsiang Weng, Nan-Wei Su (2015, Mar). Individual phosphatidylcholine species analysis by RP-HPLC-ELSD for determination of polyenylphosphatidylcholine in lecithins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(15), 3851-3858. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b01022.
  8. Chia-Chen Hsu, Tsung-Meng Wu, Yi-Ting Hsu, Chih-Wen Wu, Chwan-Yang Hong and Nan-Wei Su (2015, Feb). A novel soybean (Glycine max) gene encoding a family 3 b–glucosidase has high isoflavone 7-O-glucoside-hydrolyzing activity in transgenic rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(3), 921-928. doi: 10.1021/jf504778x.
  9. Shang-Ta Wang, Ting-Fang Fang, Chen Hsu, Chia-Hao Chen, Chun-Jung Lin and Nan-Wei Su (2015, Feb). Biotransformed product, genistein 7-O-phosphate enhances the oral bioavailability of genistein. Journal of Functional Foods, 13,323–335. doi:10.1016/j.jff.2015.01.008.
  10. Chen Hsu, Hsiao-Wen Ho, Chi-Fon Chang, Shang-Ta Wang, Ting-Fang Fang,Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su (2013, August). Soy isoflavone-phosphate conjugates derived by cultivating Bacillus subtilis var. natto BCRC 80517 with isoflavone. Food Research International, 53 (1), 487–495.
  11. Wei-Ju Lee, Nan-Wei Su, Min-Hsiung Lee, Jui-Tsung Lin (2013, August). Assessment of authenticity of sesame oil by modified Villavecchia Test and HPLC-ELSD analysis of triacylglycerol profile. Food Research International,53,195–202. NSC 100-2622-B-002-004-CC3.
  12. Wei-Ju Lee, Nan-Wei Su, Min-Hsiung Lee, Jui-Tsung Lin (2013, Jan). Examination of the modified Villavecchia test for detecting sesame oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 90:667–674. NSC 100-2622-B-002-004-CC3.
  13. Kuan-I Chen, Yi-Chen Lo, Nan-Wei Su, Cheng-Chun Chou, and Kuan-Chen Cheng (2012, Nov). Enrichment of two isoflavone aglycones in black soymilk by immobilized β-glucosidase on solid carriers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 12540-12546.
  14. Kuan-I Chen, Mei-Hui Erh, Nan-Wei Su, Wen-Hsiung Liu, Cheng-Chun Chou, Kuan-Chen Cheng (2012, Oct). Soyfoods and soybean products: from traditional use to modern applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 96(1):9-22.
  15. Yu-Chi Ho, Hui-Tzu Yu, Nan-Wei Su (2012, Apr). Re-examination of chromogenic quantitative assays for determining flavonoid content. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 2674-2681.
  16. Teng-Hsu Wang, Yen-Lun Kung, Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su (2011) N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine-specific lectin isolated from the seeds of Carica papaya. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 4217–4224.
  17. Wei-Ju Lee, Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su (2011) Characteristics of papaya seed oils obtained by extrusion-expelling processes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91, 2348–2354.
  18. Tai-Ying Chiou, Yi-Hsuan Lin, Nan-Wei Su, Min-Hsiung Lee (2010) β-Glucosidase isolated from soybean okara shows specificity toward glucosyl isoflavones. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 8872–8878.
  19. Chun-Jen Fang, Kuo-Lung Ku, Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su (2010) Influence of nutritive factors on C50-carotenoids production by Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500 with two-stage cultivation. Bioresource Technology, 101:6487-6493.​
  20. Ji-Yuan Huang, Teng-Hsu Wang, Nan-Wei Su, Min-Hsiung Lee (2009) A strategy for screening microbial strains with lipolytic specificity toward monoacylglycerols. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25: 1651-1658.
  21. Teng-Hsu Wang, Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su (2009) Screening of lectins by an enzyme-linked adsorbent assay. Food Chemistry, 113: 1218-1225.
  22. Nan-Wei Su (2008) Biologically active components and nutraceuticals in the Monascus-fermented rice: a review. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 77:965–973.
  23. Hsiang-Yu Yeh, Nan-Wei Su and Min-Hsiung Lee (2005) Chemical compositions and physicochemical properties of the fiber-rich materials prepared from shoyu mash residue. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53: 4361-4366.
  24. Nan-Wei Su, Mei-Ling Wang, Kam-Fu Kwok and Min-Hsiung Lee (2005) Effects of temperature and sodium chloride concentration on the activities of proteases and amylases in soy sauce koji. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53: 1521-1525. 
  25. Nan-Wei Su, Yii-Lih Lin, Min-Hsiung Lee and Chen-Ying Ho (2005) Ankaflavin from Monascus-fermented red rice exhibits selective cytotoxic effect and induces cell death on Hep G2 cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53: 1949-1954.
  26. Shun-Hsiang Weng, Nan-Wei Su, Youk-Meng Choong, and Min-Hsiung Lee (2004) HPLC/colorimetry combination method for quantitative analyses of sclerotiorin produced by Penicillium sclerotiorum. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 12:199-204.
  27. Fuh-Juin Kao, Nan-Wei Su and Min-Hsiung Lee (2004) Effect of water-to-bean ratio on the contents and compositions of isoflavones in tofu. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:2277-2281.
  28. Mei-Ling Wang, Youk-Meng Choong, Nan-Wei Su and Min-Hsiung Lee (2003) A rapid method for determination of ethanol in alcoholic beverages using capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 11:133-140.
  29. Fuh- Juin Kao, Nan-Wei Su, and Min-Hsiung Lee (2003) Effect of calcium sulfate concentration in soymilk on the microstructure of firm tofu and the protein constitutions in tofu whey. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51:6211-6216.
  30. Fuh- Juin Kao, Nan-Wei Su, and Min-Hsiung Lee (2002) The characteristics of firm tofu as affected by the water to bean ratio and the calcium sulfate concentration of soymilk. Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, 4: 128-135.
  31. Nan-Wei Su and Min-Hsiung Lee (2001) Purification and characterization of a novel salt-tolerant protease from Aspergillus sp. FC-10, a soy sauce koji mold. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26:253-258.
  32. Nan-Wei Su and Min-Hsiung Lee (2001) Screening and characterization of koji molds producing saline-tolerant protease. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26:230-234.
  33. Min-Hsiung Lee, Nan-Wei Su, Ming-Hua Yang, Mei-Ling Wang and Youk-Meng Choong (1998) A rapid method for direct determination of free cholesterol in lipids. Journal of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society, 36:123-133.
