


薛雁冰 合聘副教授

薛雁冰 合聘助理教授

薛雁冰 (Yen-Ping Hsueh) 副研究員

中央研究院 分子生物研究所 


  • 美國 杜克大學 分子遺傳與微生物學 博士 (2008)


Molecular interactions between C.elegans and nematode-trapping fungi
線蟲及線蟲捕捉菌(真菌)是非常有趣的微生物。在自然界中,線蟲補捉菌是線蟲主要的天敵之一。我們實驗室利用模式線蟲C.elegans和線蟲補捉菌A.oligospora來研究這兩者間交互作用的分子機制。了解這些交互作用的機制將更進一步讓我們探索獵食者和獵物間的共同演化。線蟲補捉菌可以偵測到獵物(線蟲)的存在而進而發育特殊的捕捉網來捕捉線蟲,我們發現有一些線蟲補捉菌可以透過辨識線蟲的費洛蒙ascarosides來感知獵物的存在。以C.elegans而言,已經有超過一百種以上的ascarosides被發現, 其中有許多種,都會被線蟲補捉菌辨識。另一方面,線蟲補捉菌會製造揮發性的物質來吸引線蟲。利用遺傳學及雷射剝離神經細胞技術,我們發現C.elegans被吸引的行為主要是經由一對嗅覺神經來調控。 這對嗅神經會被真菌所產生的揮發性物質所激化。實驗室未來會繼續探討線蟲捕捉菌如何捕捉線蟲的分子機制以及C.elegans對線蟲捕捉菌的其他反應及行為。我們期望未來的發現能夠幫助人類治療或對抗動植物的寄生性線蟲的感染。




  1. Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun G, Huang TY, Chang CW, Lin HC, Hsueh YP. (2019) Fungal feature tracker (FFT): A tool for quantitatively characterizing the morphology and growth of filamentous fungi. PLoS Comput Biol. 2019 Oct 31;15(10):e1007428.
  2. Kanzaki N, Liang WR, Chiu CI, Yang CT, Hsueh YP, Li HF. (2019) Nematode-free agricultural system of a fungus-growing termite. Scientific Reports. 9(1):8917.
  3. Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun G and Hsueh YP. (2018) Predator-prey interactions of nematode-trapping fungi and nematodes: both sides of the coin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 102(9), 3939-3949.
  4. Hsueh YP, Gronquist M, Schwarz EM, Nath R, Lee CH, Gharib S, Schroeder FC, Sternberg PW (2017) The nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora mimics olfactory cues of sex and food to lure its nematode prey. eLife 6:e20023
  5. Hsueh YP, Mahanti P, Schroeder FC, Sternberg PW (2013) Nematode-trapping fungi eavesdrop on nematode pheromones. Curr Biol, 23: 83-86
  6. Sun S, Hsueh YP, Heitman J. (2012) Gene conversion occurs within the mating-type locus of Cryptococcus neoformans during sexual reproduction. PLoS Genet 8:e1002810
  7. Wang X*, Hsueh YP*, Lee W, Floyd A, Skalsky R, Heitman J (2010) Sex induced silencing defends the genome of Cryptococcus neoformans via RNAi. Genes Dev, 24: 2566-2582 *Equal contribution
  8. Hsueh YP, Xue C, Heitman J (2009) A constitutively active GPCR governs morphogenic transitions in Cryptococcus neoformans. EMBO J 28: 1220-1233
  9. Hsueh YP, Heitman J (2008) Orchestration of sexual reproduction and virulence by the fungal mating-type locus. Curr Opin Microbiol 11: 517-524
  10. Hsueh YP, Xue C, Heitman J (2007) G protein signaling governing cell fate decisions involves opposing G subunits in Cryptococcus neoformans. Mol Biol Cell 18: 3237-3249
  11. Hsueh YP, Idnurm A, Heitman J (2006) Recombination hotspots flank the Cryptococcus mating-type locus: implications for the evolution of a fungal sex chromosome. PLoS Genet 2: e184
